Sunday, December 14, 2008

On the Water Front

In the movie, On the Waterfront the difference between a "stool pigeon" and someone who is an "informant on criminal activity" is very defined. Our main character, Terry, struggles on whether to tell information about the mob or to keep quite. He knows that he might put himself in danger if he tells but he listens to his consiance and tells anyway. Although Terry makes a decision to stand up for what he believes in, many other characters view him as a "stool pigeon". These characters include the mob, Johnny Friendly and even his brother Charlie.
In my opinion I think it is right to tell about criminal activity. If someone was put in danger, or killed I believe they should be punished, and stopped from ever repeating this kind of activity again. However, I can understand why someone would be viewed as a "rat" for giving up insider information but I still believe that it is the moral thing to do!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

All My Sons

Throughout the novel, All My Sons, multiple characters must make many decisions based whether they believe that the welfare of the society is greater, or that of the family. One character who strongly believes that the welfare of the family is greater then that of society is Joe Keller. We know this about Joe, when he confesses to Chris that he did send out the faulty cylinders, he states, "It was all for you! It was for your Chris, a business for you!" (69). Joe obviously thinks that the welfare of the family is more important then that of the society, because if he was more focused on the society he would have jeopardized the business, and his family instead. On the other hand Joe's son Chris takes a very different point of view on the matter. He insists on the country being more important then the family and himself when he states, "Do you not have a country? I was dying everyday" (70). Chris's view of how society is more important then family is clearly given when he rages at his father for what has happened. In my opinion Chris's head was in the right place.
I believe that when it comes to the welfare of society or that of the family, I think society should come first. If one does something that effects the whole society it can make a huge impact not only in that person's life, but also the life of many others. I truly think that communities as a whole should help and support on another instead of seaming and harming each other. Thus if one is to make a decision that would effect the society more then that of the family, in my mind harming the family would be a less severe consequence in the future.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

This week, in my book, Bitter is the New Black, we are learning more and more about Jen and her way of cutting people down guiltlessly. The only thing that seems to matter to her are her money, job, and looks. Jen loves to degrade people who are not as "Up to standereds" as she is. Ever rude to those around her, during a company trip she says. "was that... was that.. Retard-y Arty? I know thats a mean nick name, but before you judge me, I challenge you to look into Arther' s empty sales funnel"(25). Jen does not care about her coworker, though he may have some challenges, she is unable to overlook them and really except he was given an opportunity to be successful in life. All Jen cares about is her job, and making more money, and if Arty is going to get in the way she expressions the opinion that he has to go.
Jen also shows her hardheadedness, and guiltless pleasure of cutting people down comes up again when her coworker Courtney is having troubles with her boyfriend. As Courtney is bawling on the plane, and confessing to Jen about her love life, Jen replies with an uncalled for cut down, she yells, "What do you expect. Acting like a whore attracts attention. They probably think your here to go on Jerry Springer"(32). This rude remark really shows how Jen enjoys cutting people down. There is no evidence of guilt and no twinge of regret in her voice. I predict that because she is such a self centered heartless person, that some experience in the near future will really knock her down, and help her to become a more caring and excepting person.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Bitter is the New Black Post One

For my book I chose to read the memoir of a women named Jen Lancaster called Bitter is the New Black. In the book we meet the character of Jen Lancaster. Who seems to be a spoiled, self centered person who does things that are quite unimaginable. This is shown in the opening page of the story through a letter through a letter Jen's parents actually received from one of Jen's fourth grade teachers stating, " During Recess, I heard her remark to another student "I can make Stacey Coopermith do any thing I want." I wanted to tell you, as I am sure you want to keep that kind of behavior in check. Sincerely, Mrs. C--"(1) This kind of letter is placed most strategically at the beginning of the story to give background information on our character and let the audience know what kind of person she has always been. Another example of this was when Jen remarks, "I don't blame the colleagues for wanting to bask inn my reflected glory" (17). Jen's self centered remark gives more depth to her character letting the audience in on her thoughts. Instead of Jen being greatful, she is basking in her own glory something that in my prediction will surely not end well. So far, in Bitter is the New Black Jen's self centered ways have come across strongly which is something I believe she will learn to control as the book moves forward.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Fashion Photography

In the article, Matthew Rolston's Inspirations: Fashion, by Matthew Rolston, he explains to the world what emotions fashion photographers aspire to inflict on their viewers. He states that fashion photography can, "help us mitigate the pitiful rituals of modern life and celebrate the goddesses that walk among us" (Rolston). Thus allowing one to step into a different world for the moment they are immersed in the picture. When learning about what is going on inside a photographers head I think to helps one to relate and understand the photograph better. I have learned from this article that fashion photography is used to inspire the emotion of longing and the, "concept of ideal beauty". Because of this beauty, one is inspired, excited, and immersed, by the enchanting photographs in the fashion world.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Careers Give India’s Women New Independence

In Bangalore, India women are taking a stand and becoming more independent. Just a couple of years ago these women would have been forced to live with their families then go straight to their husband's home without any say in the matter. However, many women of this area are now becoming well educated and finding jobs in the city that enable them to have their own independence. These women are able to help support themselves without a husband. Due to opportunities in education and the work place they are able to live lives of choice. However, choices about marriage are still pressured greatly by parents. This will most likely take time to change because it has a been such as lare part of Indian tradition for many years. I'm personally ecstatic for these women because they are finally able to haves some freedom in their lives! Hopefully over the next couple of years their independence will grow helping them become the individuals they want to be!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

If We Only Understood

Could we but draw back the curtain,
That surrounds each others lives,
See the naked heart and spirit;
Know what spur the action gives;
Often we would find it better,
Purer then we think we would.
We would love each other better,
If we only understood.

This week for my blog I decided to read a short poem called, If We Only Understood, By: Unknown. Even though this poem is short it hit right home with me. It talks about looking into each others lives and being a true friend. It is poems like this that inspire me to look deeper into people and their situations giving me reasons to want to connect with them more. It's important for everyone to learn the lessons of love and friendship and through poems like this maybe the people in the world we be able to, "understand" eachother better in the long run.

Homer as A Feminist

I believe when it comes to Homer's epic poem, The Odyssey, his view point of women is more feminist then sexist. Athena, with her centralization in the novel, leads me to believe that Homer thought of woman as important contributions to society. This importance is expressed in many different parts of the book. During the battle between Odysseus and the suitors she appears, and the suitors call to her saying, " Mentor, never let Odysseus trick you into siding with him to fight against the suitors"(446). This shows how Athena was so valued that men were groveling at her (a women) knees for help. Homer also shows his feminist views at the very end of the epic when Athena commands Odysseus to stop all fighting. The Odyessy ends with her last commandments. This is relevant because it revels how she is so powerful that people fear her enough to stop fighting even when they are enraged.
Another example is when Calypso trapped Odysseus on her island. He was not allowed off the island until Calypso willed it so. Thus showing the reader how powerful a women can be when she is determined.
Now one may question, "Yes we know Athena was powerful, but then explain Penelope's general "house wife, pining for her husband" characterization". In my opinion Homer did not mean to characterize Penelope in a sexist manner but he just decided on giving her the characteristics to make the story, and Odysesus homecoming, seem more dramatic. Without the typical, "wife yearning for her husband" the plot would have less significance because being with his faithful wife is Odysseus's main drive. Homer shows us in more ways then one the significance of a women through the characters of Athena, Calypso, and Penelope. The women described were those of power, determination and honor making the reader perceive Homer as a writer unprejudiced to women.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Insperations for London's Fashion Week

Fashion is my main interest so for my blog this week I decided to look for articles about upcoming fashion. In the New York times I found a very interesting piece about the imminent trends for the spring/summer collections. The designers showing at Fashion Week in London had many odd but yet brilliant inspirations for their designs. The inspirations ranged from the video game Pac Man, including clothing that have, "couture glamour, bringing the techno-savvy of the modern world to high fashion." To The Flintstones with clothing including, "a cheeky mix of an animal print top and a skirt breaking in waves of scallops over the thighs." Its hard for me to imagine any of these designs on actual people. However, when I look at pictures of the outfits its clear that all the pieces work together in a more then creative way.
One design team that really stuck out to me was that of Graeme Fidler and Michael Herz. Thier collection titled Aquascutum showed a verity of clothing in various shades of blue. The collection also showed lots of chic rain gear tying into the Aquascutum theme even more. I feel that its important to read about things like fashion in other countries because it broadens your horizons and hopefully inspires you to dip your toes in other cultures!

article website:

Monday, September 15, 2008

Outside Reading

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