Thursday, November 13, 2008

Bitter is the New Black Post One

For my book I chose to read the memoir of a women named Jen Lancaster called Bitter is the New Black. In the book we meet the character of Jen Lancaster. Who seems to be a spoiled, self centered person who does things that are quite unimaginable. This is shown in the opening page of the story through a letter through a letter Jen's parents actually received from one of Jen's fourth grade teachers stating, " During Recess, I heard her remark to another student "I can make Stacey Coopermith do any thing I want." I wanted to tell you, as I am sure you want to keep that kind of behavior in check. Sincerely, Mrs. C--"(1) This kind of letter is placed most strategically at the beginning of the story to give background information on our character and let the audience know what kind of person she has always been. Another example of this was when Jen remarks, "I don't blame the colleagues for wanting to bask inn my reflected glory" (17). Jen's self centered remark gives more depth to her character letting the audience in on her thoughts. Instead of Jen being greatful, she is basking in her own glory something that in my prediction will surely not end well. So far, in Bitter is the New Black Jen's self centered ways have come across strongly which is something I believe she will learn to control as the book moves forward.

1 comment:

Narah L. said...

Wow. The character does seem extremely self-centered. The quotes you chose were very good and showed the extent of the character's self-centeredness.