Thursday, January 22, 2009

Chapter 6 Outside Post

Finally as the book comes to a conclusion we can see the transformation Jen makes. I honestly thought that Jen was NEVER going to rid herself caring about materialistic possessions. Although the wedding she has starts off as a way to scuffle in money Jen realizes that she really does love her boyfriend Fletch. She begins taking tempertary jobs and starting a blogging site. We are able to clearly see Jen's transformation from a snob to an every day person when she says in her blog post, " Did you--- heh, heh,heh, he, take the BUS? Yes. yes I did" (358). This clearly demonstrates how Jen is giving up her old life and turing into a person with scincre values. The whole reason she even took the bus was to go see her mother who suddleny became ill. The old Jen would have NEVER done this in a million years even for her mothers sake.

Jen yet again demonstrates this switch from an egotistiacal, hauty, mean, women to a empathetic, and understanding friend when she talks about a reaction to a nasty e-mail she got from a friend about her blog. Jen states:
The seventeen year old Jen would have been crushed if she'd recived a condecending notefrom Cal-the Magnificent, even if it was just ment to tease her. But what about the thirty-five-year old Jen? The one with the big butt? Who lives in the 'hood and has a pitbull and acually LIKES polo shirts from Target? Who doesn't have a job is married to a regular guy from Indiana? She just laughed and Laughed. (367) Jen's transformation has obviously finally occured in this passage. She has begun exepting herself for what she truley is not what she has, looks like, or wears. Jen Lanchaser has finally made the change we were all hoping she would.

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